My interactive video project Iceline has been selected for the 2025 Code:ART Festival in Palo Alto.
The City of Palo Alto is planning its fourth Code:ART interactive media art festival on October 16-18, 2025. The three-evening Code:ART festival explores the intersection between art and technology and reimagines Palo Alto’s plazas, alleys, and public spaces through interactive light, sound, and motion. In addition to the three-evening main event, we will feature large-scale 3D projections by various artists on the Palo Alto City Hall façade, on view nightly from October 16-25.
Featured artists:
(mis)adventures in food
Ongoing excursions to mom and pop franchises across the country to capture and support authentic food culture. #northcountryfoodadventures #northtexasfoodadventures #midatlanticfoodadventures
More to come.